Thursday, March 15, 2007

Flickering Lights

Yesterday we were sharing ghost stories in class. After hearing the stories, it helped me remember my own strange happenings one Saturday.
My friends and I, along with our families were camping at Bellows, an which is next to the beach. We were staying for two days, and by night we had accumulated a lot of trash that our parents told us to dispose. The trash dumpster was quite a distance away, thankfully our path was lit. There was no one else out, save for a passing car. As the building entered our sight, a soft wind started blowing. As we got closer, the wind got stronger, and when we were twenty yards away a can made a clink as it fell down and rolled on the ground. The building in question was lit by two lights, one on either side, the left flickering. The dumpster was past the light, with only darkness where the beach should be behind it. We stopped in front, as we were getting chills. The whole time the light was going on and off, on and off, but a moment after we paused the light turned off. We then noticed the stars. They were shining not the usual white starlight, instead all of them were shimmering hues of red, green, blue and white. Sincierly freaked out by now, we ran to the right side, where the light still worked, dropped the bag and fleed. As we looked back, the light on the left was back on, perfectly fine. The weird thing is the light was a halogen bulb, the kind that take a minute or five to turn on. We made it back to the campsite safe, the wind was still.

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