Friday, February 16, 2007

Family Story

In class our homework was to bring a family story and to post it on our blog. Here it is.

My story to tell is about my cousin Jack. He is about 6 years older than I am. His hair is of reativly short length, neat and tidy, and he wears glasses. Jack is pretty thin and probably a little taller than the average height, and 2/3 Chinese. He likes to do a lot of stuff, including paintball, playing on his computer and taking apart a different computer. His mother, my aunt is a school teacher. He doesn't say much unless he has to. Jack's father lives on the Big Island with his grandfather. He normally listens to his mother, at least he does when I'm around and does his chores and such. Once in a while though he doesn't heed my aunt's warnings. Not listening to a mother sometimes has bad consequences.
I hear this story from my mother, once for some reason, Jack had eaten ice cream. Eating a scoop of ice cream a day isn't that bad for you. Two is nice once in a while. Jack had ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner; it was his whole diet. He did that for three days straight. His mother told him to not eat so much ice cream and he didn't listen. She decided to let the ice cream to show him when to stop, and that worked just fine. After the third day, Jack didn't feel well and eventually got sick. Now he doesn't eat desserts as much now.
Another time my cousin refused to listen to his mother was when he decided to get a pet rat. The rat didn't in one of those clear plastic hampster cages, he lived in Jack's own created structure. It was basically cardboard with newspaper stuffing used to form a very basic, crude house design. Although the rat wasn't trapped inside his enclosure, the rat just stayed there, ate, slept and did all the things that normal rats do. He didn't clean the rat's home very often, and it often smelled rancid. She hadn't mind at first, but eventually the smell filled his room and my aunt had enough. Jack came home after being outside and was surprised to find his rat was no where to be found in his room.
Have you seen my rat around?" Jack asked his mother.
"Yes," she answered, "I threw him out in the garden."
"Oh no." Jack uttered as his face showed a look of surprise, before it turned to one of worry. Seconds after, Jack rushed out to the garden outside, almost knocking the lamp over as he ran. As hard as Jack looked, he couldn't find his rat, maybe he found a hole in the wall and escaped.…my Aunt also owned a cat back then.
Both times Jack didn't listen to his mother and had consequences, even though he probably only deserved the ice cream punishment. Mothers have many ways to make your life miserable. Jack found that the hard way.

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